Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fight like a girl - Go Pink!

I'm super excited about this being my first blog post and especially because it is something really special to me.  Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year for many reasons. My anniversary, the colors, the weather and the smell of the delightful Pumpkin Marshmallow Scentsy that I'm completely and uncontrollably addicted to!  October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I love all the pink that I'm seeing everywhere!

My beautiful mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002 and is a survivor. I'm so eternally grateful every day that she was able to fight it and win so that I get to have more time with her. More time to dream together, more time to reminisce, more time to let her see my babies grow and more time for her to be able to continue to teach me about how to be a selfless and amazing woman.  I was able to be with her during the time that she went through her chemotherapy and radiation treatments and I've never seen her more brave or strong. Even when faced with all these scary things and having to go through what she did she never complained. She lost all her hair and was still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.  Beauty comes in many forms and during those moments as she sat there with her cute little hat on I realized what true beauty is.

For her and all of the other amazing woman that have/had breast cancer I did a special styled photo shoot with the amazing Mandi at Silverscape Photography featuring two limited edition hair pieces and I will be donating 30% of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen foundation.  Hopefully every time that you wear these hairpieces you will remember to always fight like a girl - go pink!  I had planned on doing this early in October and having them for sale the entire month but since I am late (as per my usual) I'm going to have them be a permanent fixture on my soon to launch website and continue to donate.  Until the website launches you can purchase them through my Facebook page at or through  Forever Bela wants to make a difference so let's all continue to bring awareness to the cause!